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Updated: Aug 4, 2022

The annual Sidewalk Bazaar takes place on Main Street in downtown Gloucester. POP GALLERY will have all SALE items INDOORS due to extreme heat. The Sidewalk Bazaar is a Gloucester tradition that shouldn’t be missed. Look for our Hot Pink shade structure for a seat and a respite from the heat. There you will also find the door to POP GALLERY, the Emporium of Cool. Plenty of A/C and cool deals INSIDE to help you escape the heat of the street and just be COOL! #SidewalkBazaar #GloucesterMA #ShopLocal #SummerVibes #SidewalkSale #Summer2022 #HotStuff #cooldeals

67 Main Street
Gloucester, MA 01930

Tel: 617.458.9345


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Open 7 Days

Sunday 12-5
Mon-thurs: 11-5
Fri./sat: 11-6


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